Spring Cleaning by Forever Karley

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So as you all know it’s that time of year again to do some major spring cleaning! I’m not talking about cleaning out your closets or that draw in your house that accumulates all the mail you haven’t opened or the draw that holds all of your spare batteries you can never seem to find and although that draw may need some TLC. I’m talking about kicking it up a notch and getting rid of anything that no longer serves you or means you well in life!

Spring is a good time to detoxify and de-clutter various areas of your life. We officially have 10 months left in the year and there is no better time than the present to get things in order.

I know for me this all begins with scheduling & planning. In order for me to get things done, I literally have to write it all out and plan how I’m going to execute everything. I’m currently in the process of shopping for a new planner/calendar. I’ve found a few that I like but really love all offered by Kate Spade? #fancymuch…

Here are a list of my top 3 things to complete during my spring cleaning challenge:

Sanitize your relationships
(friendships are included in this category)

I know I personally tend to hang on to relationships that no longer serve me much longer than I need too, but because I care for them so much, it’s not always easy to let them go. Guess what, it’s necessary.

Much like milk, relationships do in fact have an expiration date. Let it go! News Flash…plants can’t grow with dead leaves. You have to let go of what was, in order to make room for what’s on its way.

Plan to have those difficult conversations. You know the ones you don’t want to have but you have to in order to move forward in your relationship? I don’t care if it’s with your girlfriend, daughter, spouse or that co-worker who always has something to say about the length of your skirts. Find a way to say what needs to be said and move on and place your focus on the more meaningful fulfilling relationships that actually make you happy. Remember if its feels like a problematic relationship, 9 out of 10 times it is and there’s absolutely no fun in maintaining that.

Rekindle your Interest 

Have you gotten a Mani/Pedi lately, need to get your ends trimmed? Are you into Arts & Crafts, are you secretly a Master Chef? An important part of spring cleaning for me is making time for myself again. We all get so caught up in our everyday lives, taking care of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING else in our daily routines that we so quickly forget about self. Whether its the kids, your partner, your family or your boss; when do you find time for you? My suggestion would be to schedule at least one hour per week doing something that has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else except for you! For me that’s Soul Cycle or having lunch at a classy restaurant alone (budget permitting).

Create some alone time for you! Mental and emotional health is just as important as your BMI.

Reevaluate or Establish a Budget

My arch nemesis! My savings account. So January has come and went and many of us were so precise about saving money in 2016. What happen to that goal? Trust me, it happens to the BEST of us and me more than anyone else I know, but it’s not too late. I don’t know anyone who likes to sit in front of their end of the month bank statement and access how much money they’ve spent on Starbucks and Essie Nail Polish for that month. I mean who?

The truth is if you want to change your behavior you first have to acknowledge what it is that you’re doing wrong. Let’s be completely honest with ourselves for minute. There is no way you can possibly be walking around all fabulous, dressed to the nines screaming #girlpower #girlboss left and right and be flat out broke! They just doesn’t match up.

I’m sorry, but it doesn’t. (I speak from experience) There are far too many resources available to not at least have a plan in place on how you would like to get out of debt. IT IS POSSIBLE!

Contact a Financial Advisor, get off social media and use the internet to help you get it together. There’s a whole financial galaxy of Financial Advisors who are looking for new business and are even willing to provide a free consultation to help get you started, but you can’t start without a plan.

Check out my financial advisor Nyandah Robinson with “The Harvesters” at www.theharvesters.co for a free financial consultation. (YES IT’S TOTALLY FREE)

… and while we both know there are so many other ways we can de-clutter and detoxify our lives, I want to challenge you to get a head-start and de-clutter your days by joining me in on this Spring Cleaning challenge.

What are some other ways you plan to clean up your life this season? Share your photos & snaps with me on IG using the hashtag #foreverspringcleaning

I can’t wait to see the progress we’ll make collectively!


Warm Regards,

Karlet A. Hewitt


Visit Karley’s blog @ www.foreverkarley.com

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